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Overcoming Procrastination: Strategies to Master Productivity

There is a proverb in Spanish, “Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week,” which reminds us that if we procrastinate and put off tasks for tomorrow, those tasks will accumulate, leading to more work, stress, and a longer to-do list. Procrastination is the act of delaying or postponing tasks intentionally or habitually. The tendency to put off important work can hamper productivity, increase stress, and impact the quality of work produced. However, it’s possible to overcome this habit and cultivate a more productive mindset by implementing productive strategies.  


Why do we Procrastinate?  

Why do we procrastinate?

Procrastination is a human condition; once in a while, everyone around you puts off important work to yesterday. If they say they never did that, they are lying. Procrastinating is not solely due to poor time management; there might be several underlying reasons, and some prominent reasons are:  

  • Emotions: The more averse a work is, the more you tend to put it off. Negative feelings such as boredom, anxiety, insecurity, frustration, and challenging or not rewarding lead to procrastination. If a work is generating mental fatigue, our brain shuts down the rational part or prefrontal cortex, leading to completion delay.  
  • Distraction: The moment the logical part of your brain surrenders to distraction and chooses Instagram over work or decides to binge another episode on Netflix, you tend to procrastinate. The urge to look at our phones provides a sense of relaxation, and our brains repeatedly crave that state of relaxation, contributing to procrastination.  

Productivity Strategies to Follow for Your Next Project  

Productivity Strategies to Follow for Your Next Project  

Procrastination is a form of self-sabotage where we intentionally delay things out of negative emotions. However, there are different ways to regain the logical side of the brain to achieve productivity and resist the urge to procrastinate. So, follow these procrastination tips for your upcoming significant work to overcome delay.  

Reverse your Triggers  

To overcome your procrastination triggers, you must analyze the underlying problems. Procrastination can stem from various factors, including fear of failure, lack of motivation, poor time management skills, or even perfectionism. Try to approach your work in a different way. Everybody loves a peaceful sleep without any worries. Think why you want to delay your work. Do you escape from your responsibility by putting off your work until tomorrow? By identifying the root cause, you can tailor your approach to address the specific issue at hand.  

To beat procrastination, write a report of what you want to achieve at the end of the day, week, or month. This report will encourage you to be more productive and help you complete work early or on time. Always consider the peace of mind you will have after you accomplish what you have desired.  

Stay Focused and Determined

Set specific goals if you want to remain focused and determined. Break down larger tasks into smaller manageable steps with specific deadlines. This method, in turn, gives you a notion that the tasks are not that difficult and rewards you by seeing the completed tasks.  

Being particular about tasks in your hand, not procrastination but prioritization can resolve the time management issue. Make a to-do list and rate your tasks according to their importance and relevance. Be sure to set definite time frames for your priorities and respect your schedule. This systematic approach will eliminate the tendency to put off decisions and guarantee that the most essential works get the consideration they need.  

Stay Away from Distractions  

In the digital age, distractions abound, which can be incredibly detrimental to our productivity. Our phones, essential in our lives, are the cornucopia of delaying work and procrastinating. Enhance your productivity by assessing and reducing your surrounding distractions. Eliminate interruptions from social media alerts, background noise, and a cluttered desk. Getting familiar with some productivity tools and apps would be a good idea to block out distractions and help you stay focused during specific working sessions.  

Work and Reward  

One of the best ways to beat procrastination is to find your resistance level. To find your resistance level, consider how long you can continuously work for a given time period. For example, can you stay focused for an hour or 30 minutes? Assess and shorten your time according to your resistance, and when you hit the time, stop your work and take a break to refresh your mind.  

Create reasonably attainable goals and congratulate yourself on some activity you like after you’ve done a job or made some progress. This reinforcement gives a sense of achievement that converts the practice into a more pleasurable process. Recognizing and celebrating your progress and accomplishments, no matter how small, can reinforce positive behaviors and boost motivation. Think about those tasks you have achieved and realize your advance in achieving your goals. This acknowledgment can develop a sense of achievement and foster the willpower to keep the momentum.  

A Cheat Sheet of Productivity Strategy  


Here are 6 proven strategies that can help you beat procrastination and overcome delays.  

1. Pomodoro Technique

It involves working in focused 25-minute intervals, called “Pomodoros,” separated by short breaks of 5 minutes. After every four Pomodoros, you take a longer break of 15-30 minutes. This technique helps build concentration, avoids burnout, and ensures that you work in short, focused bursts while allowing regular breaks to recharge your mind.  

2. 3/3/3 method

The 3/3/3 technique is a time management method that splits your working day into 3 distinctive parts. The first hours of the day are reserved for the most crucial tasks that require your full attention and energy. You will be at your best to tackle these priority responsibilities in the morning when you are fresh and energized. The next three hours will be for less serious work, like administration or meetings. The last three hours are meant for reviving, resting, and self-cultivation; you might finally have enough energy for the next day.  

3. Eisenhower Matrix

It is a time management tool that categorizes tasks based on their importance and urgency. Tasks are divided into four quadrants: Urgent and Important, Not Urgent but Important, Urgent but Not Important, and Not Urgent and Not Important. This matrix helps you prioritize your tasks effectively, focusing on the most important and urgent tasks first while delegating or eliminating less critical tasks. 

4. Eat the Frog

It is a productivity metaphor that suggests handling the most challenging or least appealing task first thing in the morning. By completing the “frog” (the most challenging task) early, you’ll experience a sense of accomplishment, reducing the temptation to procrastinate on essential activities throughout the day. This strategy helps you overcome the tendency to delay challenging tasks and boosts your overall productivity.  

But remember, if you are getting stuck and feeling demotivated, apply the “2-minute rule.” It’s your best choice to reverse the strategy. If a task takes less than two minutes, do it immediately instead of delaying it. Consider doing easy work first, which can give you a sense of accomplishment. Then, when completed, focus your attention on completing the most difficult task.  

5. Seinfeld Strategy

The idea is to set up a calendar and mark each day you complete a task or habit with a big “X.” As the chain grows longer, you’ll be motivated to avoid breaking the streak, leveraging the power of consistency and routine to foster productive habits. Keep the streak as long as you can, never missing 2 days in a row. 

6.Time Blocking

Time blocking involves dedicating specific time slots for tasks, projects, or activities on your calendar. You create focused work periods with minimal distractions by blocking off time in advance. This strategy helps you prioritize your tasks, manage your time more effectively, and ensure that essential tasks receive dedicated attention without interruptions or multitasking. Remember to take breaks or change the schedule according to your focus periods.  

7. Ivy Method

The Ivy Lee Method is an essential productivity technique that entails writing the six most important tasks you need to do the next day, prioritizing them, and focusing on the first task until it is completed to move on to the second. Doing so encourages you to focus, concentrate on essential things, follow a checklist, and get the reward of a job well done by taking them one by one without any distractions. If a task goes unfinished, you move it to the next day’s list and maintain flexibility in your schedule while ensuring that your top priorities are addressed.  


Overcoming procrastination is a journey to commitment, persistence, and self-realization. It is essential to remember you can’t be productive all the time; it’s ok to take a break from daily mundane work, and you can put off work until tomorrow. However, planning and aligning your goals to complete your work on time is crucial. Implementing these strategies can help you cultivate a more productive mindset, increase efficiency, and achieve your goals more effectively. However, it’s essential to be patient and kind to yourself throughout the process. Celebrate small victories, learn from setbacks, and continuously enhance your approach until you find the best techniques for you.  



Low self-esteem is something we all face at some point in life. We are humans, and we can’t help but feel inferior at times. Low


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